Transferable Skills – Teeing Up the Talent

The English idiom “don’t judge a book by its cover” is directly applicable to the current workforce. Individuals are looking for work. Employers’ want to hire. How is it that the two are having such a terrible time making a connection? Perhaps, it’s a singular focus on what was versus what is now required.
As a military veteran, the idea of transferable skills was my lifeline as I transitioned to the civilian sector. Having completed college and holding advanced degrees meant that I was an academic, not a practitioner in my chosen field. Trying to find that first position was difficult at best. I had to rely on my past experience and highlight skills that I knew an employer would be seeking:
• Work Ethic
• Loyalty
• Perseverance
• Determination
• Problem Solving
Fast forward 25 years, employers are still seeking the same skills, at all levels in the organization. Sourcing the “diamond in the rough” has become my passion. SeeKing out those individuals with a desire to learn and grow. Perhaps an individual lacks the academic credentials necessary to be hired, but could the position be redesigned or duties be shuffled to create a feeder opportunity?
Through the use of a variety of assessment tools, we can identify individual capacity and capabilities and help steer candidates to a career choice that makes sense for them and the employers. We find that [innate] transferable skills provide a solid indication of future performance.
The challenge for employers today is to rethink the job.
• What’s working?
• Can positions be modified to adjust to the talent that is available?
• Is creating a development role an opportunity to train and retain?
As you think about what’s next in 2022 for your organization, consider this . . . employers are likely to continue to feel the pinch. As your organization turns the corner, how will you be positioned to handle the change in skills… whether they be required, needed or just nice to have?
SeeKing HR is a full-service human resource consulting firm solidly grounded in industrial engineering techniques (measuring jobs and people), performance management and employee engagement. Let us help guide you to what’s next. Your Move ®