Employee Development
We help empower your people.
Our subject matter experts provide a full range of memorable, effective on-premise training programs. We also offer small group and individual coaching sessions at our corporate offices in San Antonio, Texas. Browse below for list of our current offerings, all of which can be tailored to create an organizationally specific presentation. If a custom solution is what you're looking for, please contact us today.
This workshop is designed to create an understanding and improve awareness of the role responsibilities of the employer related to equal employment opportunity. The session is centered on definition, description and determination of regulatory practices. Participants will gain knowledge related to effective employment practices, specifically: recruitment, selection, training, transfers and promotions.
This session focuses on establishing and communicating a sound organizational ethics program. It is a practical approach to ethics including policy establishment, confidentiality, conflict of interest, code of conduct, honesty, integrity and use of company property.
This session is designed to meet government training standards with respect to harassment and equal employment opportunity. Participants will gain an in-depth understanding of the key definitions of sexual harassment and equal employment opportunity, and the negative effects of sexual harassment on organizations and individuals. They will be able to recognize, discourage and respond appropriately to illegal behaviors. Participants will also understand proper reporting procedures and prevention techniques for unwelcome behavior.
Did you know that federal contractors with 50 or more employees and $50,000 in government contracts are required to complete an Affirmative Action Plan? This presentation is intended to provide a high-level overview of affirmative action planning. Participants will receive tools necessary to perform self-audits. In addition, participants will learn about their obligations under Executive Order 11246, the basics of affirmative action planning and how to effectively gather data.
This session is designed for the HR professional entering the field of compensation and will be viewed from the employer's perspective. Participants will gain an understanding of compensation theories, policies, systems and practices with an emphasis on effective compensation strategy and design.
This interactive and entertaining workshop will provide an extensive look at job descriptions from both the employer and employee perspective. We will discuss and answer the questions: why have them, what should be included, and are they even necessary? Participants will understand the value of exceptional job descriptions in creating and maintaining order and discipline in the workplace.
The workshop focuses on the two main ideas of Detail and Delivery. The Detail section will assist the individual in the identification and refinement of personal learning strategies to further enhance focusing on detail. The Delivery section will focus on methodologies for delivering your message and the many pitfalls which can be avoided in the workplace (e.g. difficult people, office politics and change). Participants will leave with a better understanding of their own coping strategies and tools to move forward in the most "unorganized" situations.
Creating and maintaining positive interpersonal relationships among colleagues, subordinates and superiors is the key to maintaining a successful work environment. Effective communication skills and interpersonal savvy convey the polished, professional image that you need. The course focuses on: theory and practice in work and social settings, emphasizing observation, analysis, and skills training in relationship development. Through the use of role play and case studies, participants will foster an understanding and appreciation of effective interpersonal skills addressing self-awareness, group process, self-disclosure, effective communication, conflict resolution, and team building.
This session will assist leaders and administrative personnel in more clearly defining how and what types of events qualify for FMLA leave. Further, practical guidance on implementing fail-safe documentation and record keeping procedures will be discussed. This course can be blended for introductory and refresher training scenarios.
This session focuses on creating a winning rapport with customers using common sense and positive approaches to the individual needs of the client. Highlights of the session include:
- How May I Help You? (Understanding customer needs and getting the job done!)
- The Customer is Always Right, Right?
- Kill Them with Kindness (Appreciate customer's mood, time and interests)
- Walk a Mile in Their Shoes
- T.E.A.M.—Together Everyone Achieves More
- Speaking of Miles...Be Sure to Go the Extra One!
Through role play, group activities, brainstorming and practical exercises, participants will explore and "revisit" aspects of good customer service.
This workshop will provide an extensive look at human resource fundamentals to include: recruitment, compensation and benefits, training and development, employee relations and compliance. Participants will understand the interdependence of HR functions from a leadership perspective and learn about trends and challenges that are affecting today's global economy. This session will be interactive, highly energized and focused on creating a positive environment for employees.[/accordion_itemThis workshop takes participants through a series of mock interviewing scenarios and detailed discussions of interview etiquette, including panel and mealtime interviews and realistic job previews. Participants will play a part in a short mock interview and provide feedback to others as a result of the exercise. Participants will walk away with appropriate and effective interviewing techniques and questions, improved listening skills, and most importantly, a keener sense of what is not being said. This course is available on an individual basis.
Stress is a universal and naturally occurring phenomenon in humans. While stress cannot be eliminated, participants can learn to deal with it effectively to maximize their potential. Why do some people handle stress better than others? The answer may be as simple as: They recognize what their stressors are and they have a plan for dealing with them. This course will investigate the common causes of stress, outline practical ways to deal with stress, and offer suggestions for changing habits that exacerbate stress. Participants will develop a personal stress management plan during the class to help them control or make the most of the stressors in their life.[/accordion_itemThis one-day workshop explores what motivation is, how it works, and how it can be different for each individual. This course is intended to push a motivated team to a higher functional level. Participants will learn the four stages of team evolution and how to create work environments that will motivate higher performance. High performance organizations are team-based, high learning and multi-disciplinary, working under severe time restraints and competitive pressures. This workshop presents time tested team leader processes and methods that allow senior executives, managers and individuals to rethink their strategies and tactics. As a result of this program, participants will be able to identify individual approaches, clarify roles, reinforce strengths, understand and encourage team innovation, problem solving, and effective modeling.
Three main components make up a good presentation: organization, means of delivery, and the presenter's enthusiasm. This session focuses on each of these aspects while providing an opportunity for participants to plan and execute a short presentation. The presenter will share specific ways to capture and keep the audience's attention, methods for organizing a presentation, as well as simple rules for making a PowerPoint presentation successful.
Project management is increasingly recognized as a vital skill-set for many workplace positions, and not just those positions with the title "project manager" in them. This class presents an overview of project management principles including: getting started, project scope, planning the work, optimizing the schedule to meet deadlines, ensuring proper execution, coordinating tasks, PERT charts, monitoring progress, problem solving and completion. Participants will also discuss projects from their own organization, and review tools and skills they can use immediately to better manage or participate in workplace projects.
This workshop walks an individual through the key strategies of developing an effective resume. Resumes are created to showcase individual strengths and present a case for moving forward in the employment process. Individuals will work through a series of exercises to assist them in identifying resume dos and don'ts. Individuals will leave having a clearer understanding of what potential employers are looking for in a resume. Class participation is limited to 10. This course is also available on an individual basis.
This time management training program will provide participants with tips on time management and help them make the most of their work day. Participants will learn skills in time management, setting goals, the power of an hour, scheduling and calendar systems, time blocking, overcoming procrastination, prioritizing, organizing, handling interruptions, and delegating. These important tips on time management will help participants work smarter and more efficiently and can help them realize the benefits of increased productivity and reduced stress at work. Participants will be able to apply the time management techniques and practices immediately upon returning to work.
Wellness is defined as being in good physical and mental health, especially when maintained by proper diet, exercise, and habits. This seminar will explore current topics of interest relating to wellness such as: nutrition, fitness, stress management, health, and personal finance. Participants will learn some common risk factors associated with modern lifestyles and how these factors affect their overall wellness. The course will contribute to participants' understanding of the importance of physical and mental health, and offer participants the opportunity to acquire skills that will help them to achieve and maintain good health and wellness.
Comprehensive session including basic etiquette issues like email correspondence, dining, professional presence, meeting, greeting and making conversation, telephone manners and resolving conflict
This session focuses on the skills of coaching and supporting others on the team through the use of a number of important skill sets and perspectives. Understanding the value of reinforcement is the key to success as a coach. Creating a work environment where employees are able to recognize and act on their full potential is this session's goal. Through role playing, demonstrations and case studies, participants will have the opportunity to practice giving feedback while utilizing active listening, reflection and value-neutral feedback and provide diagnosis and collaborative problem-solving skills. Class participation is limited to 10.
Effective discipline can be a positive experience in the workplace if done correctly. Feedback and coaching moments are key strategies in effective discipline. This session will help identify, communicate and effectively change behavior or address issues or concerns, while maintaining individual self-respect.[/accordion_itemThis session focuses on establishing and communicating a sound organizational ethics program. It is a practical approach to ethics including policy establishment, confidentiality, conflict of interest, code of conduct, honesty, integrity and use of company property.[/accordion_itemThis course is intended to push a motivated team to a higher functional level. Teams will learn the four stages of team evolution and how to create work environments that will motivate higher performance. High performance organizations are team-based, high learning and multi-disciplinary, working under severe time restraints and competitive pressures. We will present time tested team leader processes and methods that allow senior executives, managers and individuals to rethink their strategies and tactics. As a result of this program, participants will be able to identify individual approaches, clarify roles, reinforce strengths, understand and encourage team innovation and problem solving and effective modeling.
Hiring the best candidate for the job is one of the most important tasks leaders face. In addition to assembling a dynamic and synergistic team with the new hire decision, it is also imperative that the legalities associated with hiring are adhered to strictly. This session focuses on key skills required to successfully interview candidates and ways to build team cohesion by involving team members in the hiring initiative.
Strong leadership is a prerequisite, not an option. In this full-day session, participants develop leadership skills required of managers, team leaders, supervisors and potential leaders, for high productivity, job satisfaction and performance improvement. Participants learn the core competencies of effective delegation, behavior modeling, situational leadership and communication techniques to empower and motivate.
Leaders are often the first to hear complaints. While sometimes viewed as insignificant, trivial or unimportant, each concern should be addressed and resolved. This session focuses on leadership's ability to react and address complaints, dealing with confrontational employees and overcoming negativity in the workplace. Participants will learn the act of engagement and effective dialogue on controversial issues, the importance of collaboration and the creation of win-win solutions.
This course will provide tools to help individuals successfully conduct and participate in meetings. Participants will learn how to hold an effective and productive meeting utilizing time management, communication and team building skills. We will discuss how to design the foundational elements of an agenda and how to respond to situational meetings. A successful meeting not only depends on the speaker, but on the participants as well. We will also dialogue about the roles of attendees and the ground rules for a meeting
The session is designed for the new leader and experienced leaders transitioning into new assignments. The focus is on situational leadership and communication techniques to empower and motivate. New leaders will learn to gain both confidence and respect of their subordinates, which are critical for their future. This course is available on an individual basis.
Leaders act as the conduit between organizational goals and operative employees – the leader is the key to supporting change. Participants will learn to address and encourage the "comfort level" of their team members by involving them in organizational change discussions. Participants will learn to positively engage others in change and facilitate acceptance of new processes and procedures. This session focuses on the positive impact of change, overcoming resistance and ultimately team acceptance.
This-half day seminar promotes a positive work environment that includes mutual respect, trust and understanding. By promoting such an environment, all managers and employees are better able to effectively function as a team and contribute to the accomplishment of the organization's goals. In this class individuals explore their own viewpoints on workforce diversity and help transform resistance into acceptance, cooperation and respect. Participants will be able to analyze behavior, define their own attitudes and opinions about diversity issues, identify where their assumptions may be mistaken, evaluate the danger of not realizing their limitations within the work setting and understand how their behaviors may affect others.
Executive development is a critical aspect of all companies. Through coaching, we help executives get "unstuck" in their careers and provide insight and feedback on what they can do to move the enterprise forward. This is accomplished by focusing on self-improvement and providing a vehicle for open and honest confidential conversations.
Having a clear understanding of where your organization is headed and the talent needed to get you there is imperative for an organization to see its long term strategy to fruition. We lead executive teams through succession planning exercises and program development to ensure your ready next leaders are ready when you need them.
This workshop is designed to create an understanding and improve awareness of the role responsibilities of the employer related to equal employment opportunity. The session is centered on definition, description and determination of regulatory practices. Participants will gain knowledge related to effective employment practices, specifically: recruitment, selection, training, transfers and promotions.
This session focuses on establishing and communicating a sound organizational ethics program. It is a practical approach to ethics including policy establishment, confidentiality, conflict of interest, code of conduct, honesty, integrity and use of company property.
This session is designed to meet government training standards with respect to harassment and equal employment opportunity. Participants will gain an in-depth understanding of the key definitions of sexual harassment and equal employment opportunity, and the negative effects of sexual harassment on organizations and individuals. They will be able to recognize, discourage and respond appropriately to illegal behaviors. Participants will also understand proper reporting procedures and prevention techniques for unwelcome behavior.
Did you know that federal contractors with 50 or more employees and $50,000 in government contracts are required to complete an Affirmative Action Plan? This presentation is intended to provide a high-level overview of affirmative action planning. Participants will receive tools necessary to perform self-audits. In addition, participants will learn about their obligations under Executive Order 11246, the basics of affirmative action planning and how to effectively gather data.
This session is designed for the HR professional entering the field of compensation and will be viewed from the employer's perspective. Participants will gain an understanding of compensation theories, policies, systems and practices with an emphasis on effective compensation strategy and design.
This interactive and entertaining workshop will provide an extensive look at job descriptions from both the employer and employee perspective. We will discuss and answer the questions: why have them, what should be included, and are they even necessary? Participants will understand the value of exceptional job descriptions in creating and maintaining order and discipline in the workplace.
The workshop focuses on the two main ideas of Detail and Delivery. The Detail section will assist the individual in the identification and refinement of personal learning strategies to further enhance focusing on detail. The Delivery section will focus on methodologies for delivering your message and the many pitfalls which can be avoided in the workplace (e.g. difficult people, office politics and change). Participants will leave with a better understanding of their own coping strategies and tools to move forward in the most "unorganized" situations.
Creating and maintaining positive interpersonal relationships among colleagues, subordinates and superiors is the key to maintaining a successful work environment. Effective communication skills and interpersonal savvy convey the polished, professional image that you need. The course focuses on: theory and practice in work and social settings, emphasizing observation, analysis, and skills training in relationship development. Through the use of role play and case studies, participants will foster an understanding and appreciation of effective interpersonal skills addressing self-awareness, group process, self-disclosure, effective communication, conflict resolution, and team building.
This session will assist leaders and administrative personnel in more clearly defining how and what types of events qualify for FMLA leave. Further, practical guidance on implementing fail-safe documentation and record keeping procedures will be discussed. This course can be blended for introductory and refresher training scenarios.
This session focuses on creating a winning rapport with customers using common sense and positive approaches to the individual needs of the client. Highlights of the session include:
- How May I Help You? (Understanding customer needs and getting the job done!)
- The Customer is Always Right, Right?
- Kill Them with Kindness (Appreciate customer's mood, time and interests)
- Walk a Mile in Their Shoes
- T.E.A.M.—Together Everyone Achieves More
- Speaking of Miles...Be Sure to Go the Extra One!
Through role play, group activities, brainstorming and practical exercises, participants will explore and "revisit" aspects of good customer service.
This workshop will provide an extensive look at human resource fundamentals to include: recruitment, compensation and benefits, training and development, employee relations and compliance. Participants will understand the interdependence of HR functions from a leadership perspective and learn about trends and challenges that are affecting today's global economy. This session will be interactive, highly energized and focused on creating a positive environment for employees.[/accordion_itemThis workshop takes participants through a series of mock interviewing scenarios and detailed discussions of interview etiquette, including panel and mealtime interviews and realistic job previews. Participants will play a part in a short mock interview and provide feedback to others as a result of the exercise. Participants will walk away with appropriate and effective interviewing techniques and questions, improved listening skills, and most importantly, a keener sense of what is not being said. This course is available on an individual basis.
Stress is a universal and naturally occurring phenomenon in humans. While stress cannot be eliminated, participants can learn to deal with it effectively to maximize their potential. Why do some people handle stress better than others? The answer may be as simple as: They recognize what their stressors are and they have a plan for dealing with them. This course will investigate the common causes of stress, outline practical ways to deal with stress, and offer suggestions for changing habits that exacerbate stress. Participants will develop a personal stress management plan during the class to help them control or make the most of the stressors in their life.[/accordion_itemThis one-day workshop explores what motivation is, how it works, and how it can be different for each individual. This course is intended to push a motivated team to a higher functional level. Participants will learn the four stages of team evolution and how to create work environments that will motivate higher performance. High performance organizations are team-based, high learning and multi-disciplinary, working under severe time restraints and competitive pressures. This workshop presents time tested team leader processes and methods that allow senior executives, managers and individuals to rethink their strategies and tactics. As a result of this program, participants will be able to identify individual approaches, clarify roles, reinforce strengths, understand and encourage team innovation, problem solving, and effective modeling.
Three main components make up a good presentation: organization, means of delivery, and the presenter's enthusiasm. This session focuses on each of these aspects while providing an opportunity for participants to plan and execute a short presentation. The presenter will share specific ways to capture and keep the audience's attention, methods for organizing a presentation, as well as simple rules for making a PowerPoint presentation successful.
Project management is increasingly recognized as a vital skill-set for many workplace positions, and not just those positions with the title "project manager" in them. This class presents an overview of project management principles including: getting started, project scope, planning the work, optimizing the schedule to meet deadlines, ensuring proper execution, coordinating tasks, PERT charts, monitoring progress, problem solving and completion. Participants will also discuss projects from their own organization, and review tools and skills they can use immediately to better manage or participate in workplace projects.
This workshop walks an individual through the key strategies of developing an effective resume. Resumes are created to showcase individual strengths and present a case for moving forward in the employment process. Individuals will work through a series of exercises to assist them in identifying resume dos and don'ts. Individuals will leave having a clearer understanding of what potential employers are looking for in a resume. Class participation is limited to 10. This course is also available on an individual basis.
This time management training program will provide participants with tips on time management and help them make the most of their work day. Participants will learn skills in time management, setting goals, the power of an hour, scheduling and calendar systems, time blocking, overcoming procrastination, prioritizing, organizing, handling interruptions, and delegating. These important tips on time management will help participants work smarter and more efficiently and can help them realize the benefits of increased productivity and reduced stress at work. Participants will be able to apply the time management techniques and practices immediately upon returning to work.
Wellness is defined as being in good physical and mental health, especially when maintained by proper diet, exercise, and habits. This seminar will explore current topics of interest relating to wellness such as: nutrition, fitness, stress management, health, and personal finance. Participants will learn some common risk factors associated with modern lifestyles and how these factors affect their overall wellness. The course will contribute to participants' understanding of the importance of physical and mental health, and offer participants the opportunity to acquire skills that will help them to achieve and maintain good health and wellness.
Comprehensive session including basic etiquette issues like email correspondence, dining, professional presence, meeting, greeting and making conversation, telephone manners and resolving conflict
This session focuses on the skills of coaching and supporting others on the team through the use of a number of important skill sets and perspectives. Understanding the value of reinforcement is the key to success as a coach. Creating a work environment where employees are able to recognize and act on their full potential is this session's goal. Through role playing, demonstrations and case studies, participants will have the opportunity to practice giving feedback while utilizing active listening, reflection and value-neutral feedback and provide diagnosis and collaborative problem-solving skills. Class participation is limited to 10.
Effective discipline can be a positive experience in the workplace if done correctly. Feedback and coaching moments are key strategies in effective discipline. This session will help identify, communicate and effectively change behavior or address issues or concerns, while maintaining individual self-respect.[/accordion_itemThis session focuses on establishing and communicating a sound organizational ethics program. It is a practical approach to ethics including policy establishment, confidentiality, conflict of interest, code of conduct, honesty, integrity and use of company property.[/accordion_itemThis course is intended to push a motivated team to a higher functional level. Teams will learn the four stages of team evolution and how to create work environments that will motivate higher performance. High performance organizations are team-based, high learning and multi-disciplinary, working under severe time restraints and competitive pressures. We will present time tested team leader processes and methods that allow senior executives, managers and individuals to rethink their strategies and tactics. As a result of this program, participants will be able to identify individual approaches, clarify roles, reinforce strengths, understand and encourage team innovation and problem solving and effective modeling.
Hiring the best candidate for the job is one of the most important tasks leaders face. In addition to assembling a dynamic and synergistic team with the new hire decision, it is also imperative that the legalities associated with hiring are adhered to strictly. This session focuses on key skills required to successfully interview candidates and ways to build team cohesion by involving team members in the hiring initiative.
Strong leadership is a prerequisite, not an option. In this full-day session, participants develop leadership skills required of managers, team leaders, supervisors and potential leaders, for high productivity, job satisfaction and performance improvement. Participants learn the core competencies of effective delegation, behavior modeling, situational leadership and communication techniques to empower and motivate.
Leaders are often the first to hear complaints. While sometimes viewed as insignificant, trivial or unimportant, each concern should be addressed and resolved. This session focuses on leadership's ability to react and address complaints, dealing with confrontational employees and overcoming negativity in the workplace. Participants will learn the act of engagement and effective dialogue on controversial issues, the importance of collaboration and the creation of win-win solutions.
This course will provide tools to help individuals successfully conduct and participate in meetings. Participants will learn how to hold an effective and productive meeting utilizing time management, communication and team building skills. We will discuss how to design the foundational elements of an agenda and how to respond to situational meetings. A successful meeting not only depends on the speaker, but on the participants as well. We will also dialogue about the roles of attendees and the ground rules for a meeting
The session is designed for the new leader and experienced leaders transitioning into new assignments. The focus is on situational leadership and communication techniques to empower and motivate. New leaders will learn to gain both confidence and respect of their subordinates, which are critical for their future. This course is available on an individual basis.
Leaders act as the conduit between organizational goals and operative employees – the leader is the key to supporting change. Participants will learn to address and encourage the "comfort level" of their team members by involving them in organizational change discussions. Participants will learn to positively engage others in change and facilitate acceptance of new processes and procedures. This session focuses on the positive impact of change, overcoming resistance and ultimately team acceptance.
This-half day seminar promotes a positive work environment that includes mutual respect, trust and understanding. By promoting such an environment, all managers and employees are better able to effectively function as a team and contribute to the accomplishment of the organization's goals. In this class individuals explore their own viewpoints on workforce diversity and help transform resistance into acceptance, cooperation and respect. Participants will be able to analyze behavior, define their own attitudes and opinions about diversity issues, identify where their assumptions may be mistaken, evaluate the danger of not realizing their limitations within the work setting and understand how their behaviors may affect others.
Executive development is a critical aspect of all companies. Through coaching, we help executives get "unstuck" in their careers and provide insight and feedback on what they can do to move the enterprise forward. This is accomplished by focusing on self-improvement and providing a vehicle for open and honest confidential conversations.
Having a clear understanding of where your organization is headed and the talent needed to get you there is imperative for an organization to see its long term strategy to fruition. We lead executive teams through succession planning exercises and program development to ensure your ready next leaders are ready when you need them.
This session focuses on establishing and communicating a sound organizational ethics program. It is a practical approach to ethics including policy establishment, confidentiality, conflict of interest, code of conduct, honesty, integrity and use of company property. The training materials provided may be edited to create an organizationally specific presentation.
This is the accordion body content. It is typically best to keep this area short and to the point so it isn't too overwhelming.

Case Studies
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"*" indicates required fields
Individuals interested in career opportunities MUST submit resumes/qualifications through our career portal.
Resumes and employment data submitted through this portal WILL NOT be considered.