Know Your Strengths

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Know Your Strengths

Jodie Willeford
Star gazer and fan of nature, harmonizer who enjoys bible study and CrossFit – mother of mutts.

Have you ever had one of those days when you seem to be very productive, work is spot-on and you’re feeling accomplished? Most likely, you have been playing to your strengths.

Finish several projects on time? I bet your time management skills are not lagging. Did you have a difficult yet effective conversation with a coworker? Chances are you communicate well. Do you make sure even the most introverted of employees provide their input in a team discussion to be and feel included? Your strength as an includer is surely noticed by someone.

Knowing your strengths gives you a better understanding of yourself and how you function. When I left the public education sector, I may not have known exactly what I wanted to do, but I knew my strengths and gifts of teaching would be excellent assets to any business. Fortunately, I now have the privilege of teaching career skills to individuals from all different walks of life. I am also able to expand my knowledge by creating training programs that are inclusive and focused on helping those who are looking to make a career change. This out-of-the-classroom form of teaching has been individually rewarding and allows me an opportunity to work to my strengths every day.

Knowing and being confident in your strengths can also protect you from the nay-sayers of the world. If you come across someone who wants to tell you what your strengths are and they sound completely opposite from what you believe, most likely they are speaking from a place of selfish wants to steer you in a direction away from their agenda. Hold on to the strengths you know you have and ignore those who say differently. When you know your own strengths and believe in them, fears nor others can block what you are destined for.

“Never trust your fears, they don’t know your strength.” - Athena Singh

Not sure what your strengths are?? Don’t worry, you’re not alone - sometimes what is obvious to others is hidden from us. One way to assess your natural strengths is to consider what others usually come to you for and identify the common themes. Here at SeeKing HR we’re big fans of CliftonStrengths (formerly StrengthsFinder) to assess and identify strengths, what they mean, and how to make the most of them. Interested in learning more? Contact us!