12 Reminders to Take into 2022

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12 Reminders to Take into 2022

Leanne King
Business Crusader by day, gardener and general crafty person by night - committed to writing something.

STOP. Wait a minute. Did you know that Monday was the sixth Monday of 2022?

Well, technically it was the second Monday, but it sure has felt like the crazy train left the station for the past twelve days, and I now fully understand the phrase, "a week's worth of Mondays". So much so that I am behind in drafting what was supposed to be a poetic, respectful and timely year-end post about what I was grateful for in 2021 and the endless possibilities of 2022. That didn’t happen. I even tried to write a Top Ten list and remained sidetracked without much accomplished. That’s not really true . . . I noodled several ideas . . . a lot.

The end of 2021 has been a whirlwind of activity with the stops and starts of new clients, the seemingly endless system updates and resets, not to mention a new phone (that I sometimes struggle to understand) and a laptop which I haven’t even taken out of the box. Despite the best planning, the year-end catches me every circle of the sun. As a strong finisher, the undone to do list wears on me worse than a fight with a good friend. My generally realistic problem-solving attitude becomes heavier with a need to brood. Speaking of brooding - did you know that we have chickens - another story for another day. So as I finish up what should have been my last entry for 2021 and is now my first entry of 2022 - I am reminded that this year it is important to. . .

1. Take Time for Yourself
2. Encourage Creativity
3. Continue to Dream Big
4. Forgive (and let those demons go)
5. Perform Random Acts of Kindness (and “cardness”)
6. Relish in Positivity
7. Offer Peace
8. Trust Yourself and Your Team
9. Foster an Environment of Curiosity
10. Celebrate Successes
11. Learn From Experience
12. Be Grateful

The list above isn’t rocket science and you don’t have to be a brain surgeon to know that taking care of yourself and your team makes life more enjoyable. What are you going to do this year to make your life more enjoyable? As for me . . . while I consider all of life’s challenges, especially today, I will make peace with change, foster balance and give grace.